The City of Bonita Springs is committed to responding to public record requests appropriately, completely, and in full compliance with Florida Statutes. We process public record requests in the order that they are received and work diligently to fulfill requests as quickly as possible.

To Request Planning, Permitting, and Building Records:
Please note: Lee County Community Development provided building & permitting services for Bonita Springs until 06/29/08. Therefore, you must contact Lee County (contact info below) to request planning, permitting, & other building records for projects that occurred before June 29, 2008:

Lee County Public Record Requests or 239-533-2112 

Lee County Case File Search & Local Development Orders

 To request planning, permitting, and building records for projects that occurred after June 28, 2008, contact Bonita Springs Community Development:

Email your request to

Use the Bonita Springs E-portal to search for permits through a variety of fields, including permit number, name, and address.

Contact the Community Development on-call Planner to obtain zoning information specific to a property: 239-444-6166 or

Use the Bonita Springs Citizen Request Portal to report issues to the City, including potential Code Enforcement violations.

To Request all other City Records:
Mike Sheffield, City Clerk & Custodian of Records
Bonita Springs City Hall
9101 Bonita Beach Rd.
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135

Links to other agencies:

Bonita Springs Fire Control & Rescue District: Records including fire incident reports. 

Bonita Springs Utilites:  Records including utility account balances.

Lee Co. Clerk of Court: Records including official land records, deeds, & court records.

Lee Co. Property AppraiserRecords including property value appraisals.

Lee Co. Tax Collector: Records including property tax payments.

Lee Co. Sheriff's OfficeRecords including arrest reports & traffic accident reports.

Lee Co. Community Development

Collier Co. Growth Management