The City of Bonita Springs is seeking applicants for the Veterans Advisory Committee

The City of Bonita Springs is seeking applicants for the Veterans Advisory Committee. The Veterans Committee assists the City by providing input regarding veterans’ affairs and with planning Veterans’ events in Bonita Springs. Veterans Committee applications must be a part of the VFW, the American Legion, the VFW Ladies Auxiliary, the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, and the Purple Heart Association or have served in one of the branches of the United States Military. If you are interested in being a part of this committee or any of the other committees in the City please send your application by email to
[email protected] or by mail to
Office of the City Clerk
9101 Bonita Beach Road
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135
For more information about the Veterans Advisory Committee, please visit the
Veterans Advisory Committee page
For more information about the City of Bonita Springs committees, please visit the
Committees page:
For the application please
click here