The City of Bonita Springs is working to get residents access to the areas along Hickory Blvd that have been affected by Hurricane Ian. Residents should begin to prepare to gain access to their residences. If the property owner would like a home watch representative, contractor or family member to access the property for them, they will need to have an affidavit signed by the property owner and a utility bill with the property owners name on it. The affidavit must be notarized. Residents will be allowed vehicular access to Hickory Blvd in the coming days. When it is safe to access, the city will post an announcement.
Lee County DOT has been working to clear the roadway for vehicular access along Hickory Blvd, as well as residential driveways. The sand has been pushed into mounds along the right of way. Please do not move the sand piles, as DOT will not remove any sand piles located outside of the right of way.
Residents will be required to show proof of residency before entering the island. Contractors will be permitted access so long as they are with the property owner.
Once residents are allowed access to the affected areas, they will be advised to use extreme caution driving on Hickory Blvd, as there are areas along the roadway that have been destroyed. The City will not be liable for any damage to vehicles due to the condition of the road and right of way.
All vehicles must be parked in the appropriate driveway. Vehicles cannot block any portion of Hickory Boulevard. Residents are advised that vehicles are likely to get stuck in the sand if parked anywhere but on the driveway and the City cannot guarantee that a tow truck will be permitted immediate access under the circumstances.
The Building Department has inspected every building visually for structural integrity. A red tag has been attached to the front of any structure that has been deemed unsafe. Bear in mind that many of the buildings, single family and multiple family, have compromised water, sewer and electrical services which make the units uninhabitable. Many of the commercial and condominium buildings also have damaged fire alarm and or sprinkler systems.
Residents may call (239) 444-6150 to ask whether their property has been red tagged.