Bonita Springs Utilities Inc. has restored water service throughout all Little Hickory Island on Bonita Beach. Some individual homes, condominiums or businesses do not have service due to leaks in the building or on the customer’s property. As water service becomes available, customers are advised to boil water for drinking until otherwise notified. Water service may be turned off at some properties. Customers are advised to contact BSU Customer Service when they return to their property, so water can be turned back on while they are present. This helps ensure any potential water leaks present can be immediately identified.
At this time, customers north of Forester Drive are subject to a boil water advisory. All BSU customers outside of Bonita Beach have water service available and no boil water requirement.
Many wastewater pump station control panels were damaged by salt water from the storm surge. These panels house electrical equipment and instrumentation to operate the stations. Repair work is expected to continue for at least another week.
During this time, customers are asked to please help avoid sewer backups in the neighborhood by limiting water use in the following ways:
• Limit running water and toilet flushing.
• Do not run dishwashers and clothes washers.
• Take short showers or baths.
Hurricane recovery updates will continue to be shared at www.BSU.us/hurricane-ian-advisory and on the BSU Facebook page. Customers may contact BSU Director of Operations Andy Koebel at 239-992-0711 with any questions.