City Council authorized executing a contract with Wright Construction for priority one repairs at the recreation center.
On June 1, 2022, City Council authorized city staff to execute a multi-year contract with Weston and
Sampson for a facility assessment study. The assessment study included six city-owned sites comprised of
nineteen buildings. The assessment report provided recommendations for repairs, rehabilitation, or
replacement, along with the associated estimated construction costs, and the recommended schedule
(approximate timeframe) for such improvements to be made. The various deficiencies noted during the
numerous site visits were classified according to a priority level. The priority one category includes lifesafety items. Weston and Sampson presented the executive summary to the council on July 19,
2023. In October 2023 the City Council approved moving forward with $2.9 million worth of priority one
repairs. These repairs include electrical work and door hardware replacement.
Wright Construction is on the Construction Manager at Risk Continuing Services Agreement. Attached is
a proposal from Wright Construction Group for the priority one repairs at the Recreation Cener in the
amount of $102,301.65. Additionally, there is a contingency of approximately $10,000.00 for the project.
This project is funded in the FY24-25 CIP budget (City Facilities and Major Repairs 30.270.519.4924).