The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) released their Notice of Funding
Opportunity (NOFO) on September 20, 2021. The announcement included funds allocated by the
President for emergencies and major disaster declarations that occurred between January 1, 2020 and
December 31, 2021. Included in the announcement was funding for HMGP-COVID and Hurricane Sally.
The City submitted a grant application for HMGP-COVID funding on December 20, 2021 for the acquisition
of homes predominantly in the Quinn/Downs/Dean neighborhood, but the acquisition/demolition project
targets all homes in flood prone areas within the City.
Typically, the HMGP funds are a 75/25 split with FEMA providing 75% of the cost and the local government
providing a match of the remaining 25%. However, on March 18, 2022 the president signed into law H.R.
2471 Consolidated Appropriations Act amending the funding allocation to a 90/10 split where FEMA
provides 90% of the cost and the local government provides a match of the remaining 10%.
The City received a grant award notice on April 17, 2024 in the amount of $4,282,761.60. The City’s match
of $475,862.40 provides a total project cost of $4,758,624 for the neighborhood acquisition/demolition