City Council selected the route and roadway design center alignment and design alternative 2 modified for the Goodwin Street Pedestrian & Drainage Improvements Project

July 21, 2021, Council approved staff’s recommendation to negotiate with American Structurepoint, Inc. for the Goodwin Street Pedestrian & Drainage Improvements Project. April 13, 2022, American Structurepoint conducted a public input workshop. Alternatives and project concepts were presented, and public input was received at the workshop. American Structurepoint has reviewed the comments from the public input workshop and has prepared a presentation to report those findings to City Council and request direction to proceed to the next step in the design process: development of 60% design plans, environmental permitting, and right‐of‐way engineering. Three alternative routes for the roadway have been studied and will be presented to the Council. The Council must give due consideration to the relevant factors including, but not limited to: (1) the availability of alternative routes, (2) costs, (3) environmental factors, (4) long‐range area planning, and (5) safety considerations. Pasco County v. Franzel, 569 So. 2d 877 (Fla. 2d DCA 1990)