LPA reviewed the LDC amendments at their August 18, 2022, meeting. The LPA found the LDC amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan.
City Council had previously authorized staff to prepare these LDC amendments. Changes are identified in yellow highlight as follows: strike-thru is removal of text and underline is the addition of text. The LPA reviewed the LDC amendments at their August 18, 2022, meeting and provided minor grammatical edits, which are reflected in this current draft. The LPA found the LDC amendments consistent with the comprehensive plan. This is the second reading and public hearing on this item.
Chapter 3-Development Standards
Sec. 3-263. - Bikeways facilities and pedestrian facilities.
These changes are a result of an appeal heard by the City Council. These changes correct a codification error reference for complete streets, clarify concise requirements for siterelated and off-site improvements, and clarify the applicability for payment in lieu options.
Division 6-Open Space, Buffering, and Landscaping.
The Tree Advisory Board requested consideration of updates to the Land Development Code. With the assistance of staff, the Board compiled a list of recommendations for code changes/updates to the existing code. The City Council directed Community Development staff to review those recommendations and prepare an ordinance for their incorporation into the Land Development Code.
Sec. 3-535. - Piping materials for use in right-of-way.
Current code does not allow for the use of plastic pipe for stormwater drain lines under travel ways. Due to demand and supply chain challenges, applicants are requesting staff to consider the use of plastic pipe. Lee County and FDOT do allow for this type of material in the Lee County LDC Sec. 10-716 and the FDOT Standards for Road and Bridge Construction and related indexes, respectively.
Other changes include updates to materials based on engineering best management practices and are generally consistent with other local jurisdictions and the FDOT.
Chapter 4-Zoning
Division 18- Home Occupations
This amendment includes changes to the LDC for home-based businesses as required for consistency with Florida Statutes 559.955.
Division 37 – Subordinate and Temporary Uses, Subdivision III. - Mobile Food Vendors
Changes include the removal of the language for mobile food vendor location permit approvals to be listed on the advertised city council agenda per City Council’s direction. Other changes include clarifying language to existing standards discussed at the August 3, 2022 City Council meeting.