Council has agreed to move forward with a sub-recipient agreement with Lee county that would provide funding for Multi-use Paths throughout the city. The Department of Housing and Urban Development recognizes Lee County as an Urban County in the Community Development Block Grant program. As such, the County is designated as the Lead Agency to implement yearly entitlement funds. Cities within the County (Bonita Springs, Sanibel, and Fort Myers Beach) have agreed to partner with Lee County to manage their yearly entitlement allocation since early 2000. Since 2004, Bonita Springs has partnered with Lee County through an Urban County Cooperation Agreement.
City staff received the sub-recipient agreement from Lee County Human and Veterans Services on January 5, 2021 which contains a 1-year agreement that covers the City’s entitlement funds for FY 2020-2021 .The funds received from this agreement, which total $371,384, will be designated to various multi-use paths projects throughout the City.