Bonita Springs is dedicated to making sure it’s citizens are informed and aware of useful resources that will help guide them during potential hazard and emergency situations. As this new year begins, we’d like to remind you of resources you can subscribe to and receive the latest emergency information.
City of Bonita Springs Website:
The city website offers a variety of emergency information from the EOC and FEMA. As information is received from these agencies it is immediately posted to the city website in a corresponding document container which you can subscribe to and receive information as it's released. You can also receive district specific news from the city by subscribing to your district on the site. This information can also be accessed through the City of Bonita Springs app, which and be downloaded in the Google Play or Apple App Store.
Emergency information regarding COVID-19
Bonita Springs District Subscription
Social Media:
The city also uses its various social media pages to push out messaging and city information during emergency situations.
City of Bonita Springs Twitter
City of Bonita Springs Facebook
City of Bonita Springs Nextdoor
County Emergency Information & Alert Lee:
AlertLee is an emergency notification system that allows registered users to receive telephone, text, and/or email alerts related to natural or man-made emergencies. The AlertLee system will be used when an emergency arises, such as severe weather situations, missing persons, evacuation notices, fire or floods and active shooter situations. To sign up, residents should go to
www.AlertLee.com. , select their municipality or unincorporated Lee County and complete the registration steps.
You can also access county wide emergency information directly from links below:
Lee County Emergency Management
Lee County Health Department