Council has adopted a resolution reappointing members with terms expiring on December 31st, that have expressed interest in continuing for another term for the following boards/committees: Bonita Springs Historic Preservation Board, Art in Public Places Board, Bicycle Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, Technology Advisory Board, Street Light Advisory Committee, and the Special Events Committee.
This resolution also includes the addition of new members to the following boards/committees:
Robert Sypniefski Jr. (Technology Advisory Board; District 5),
Timothy Dempsey (Bicycle Pedestrian Safety Committee; District 3)
For more information regarding the city’s various boards and committees click the link below
Current Board and Committee Vacancies:
Technology Advisory Board
(No Vacancies)
Street Light Advisory Committee
(1 Vacancy)
Art in Public Places Advisory Board
(1 vacancy)
Historic Preservation Board
(2 Vacancies)
Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee
(No Vacancies)
Special Events Committee
(No Vacancies)