Council has approved moving forward with updating the city’s current Water Conservation and Irrigation Restriction Regulations (Article III Water Conservation – Sec. 42-47) to provide for compliance and consistency with the requirements set by Florida Statutes and the South Florida Water Management District.
The South Florida Water Management District has reached out to all municipalities within the district with direction to, and guidance for, updating and amending their respective regulations pertaining to Water Conservation and Irrigation Restrictions in order to maintain consistency with State Statutes Chapter 40E-24 & 40E-21. The principal goals are to: Assure the continued viability, quantity and quality of the area’s water resources long into the future; Provide consistency among the regulatory language(s) used across the district; assure full compliance with the requirements of State Statute(s); Assure protection of our water resources during periods of extensive drought; and provide District resources and support for regulatory guidance and enforcement.
Staff will begin drafting new language to reflect the updated changes and present the drafts at an upcoming council meeting.