On October 19, 2022, City Council approved a contract with RK&K to design and permit the new quadrant roadway situated in the Northwest quadrant of the US 41 & Bonita Beach Road intersection. This new roadway was identified in the City’s 2017 “Quadrant Plan” and will provide a connection between Windsor Road and US 41 to help alleviate traffic congestion in the US 41 and Bonita Beach Road intersection.
RK&K will present their findings regarding the proposed roadway to City Council and request direction to proceed to the next step in the design process: development of 60% design plans, environmental permitting, and right-of-way engineering. Four alternative routes for the roadway have been studied and will be presented to the Council. The Council must give due consideration to the relevant factors including, but not limited to: (1) the availability of alternative routes, (2) costs, (3) environmental factors, (4) long-range area planning, and (5) safety considerations. Pasco County v. Franzel, 569 So. 2d 877 (Fla. 2d DCA 1990)