City Council approved a proposal to develop conceptual design of Riverside Park Bandshell turf and hardscape from RVi Planning + Landscape Architecture

At the November 15, 2023, City Council Workshop, staff was directed to proceed with projects funded in
the current budget year Capital improvement plan. Attached is a proposal from RVi Planning +
Landscape Architecture, in the amount of $105,000.00 for the Riverside Park Bandshell Lawn Artificial
Turf, sidewalk and paver Design project.
The work is outlined in the Scope of Services proposal for project coordination services, conceptual site
planning services, surveying services, public meetings, workshops and graphics design to develop a
Conceptual Design. Final design, bid and construction services are not included in this proposal and will
be provided under a separate proposal once construction phasing and schedule have been determined.
The work will be provided pursuant to Florida Statute §287.055, as the City went through the
procurement process through CN 21-20 for Miscellaneous Outdoor Recreational Facility Design and