On April 19, 2023, City Council gave staff directions to proceed with changes to the Sea Turtle Ordinance, Article II, Chapter 7 of the Land Development Code.
In December of 2020, the State of Florida updated its Model Lighting Ordinance for Sea Turtle Protection. The state has delegated authority for establishment and enforcement of sea turtle protection regulations to local municipalities that contain sea turtle nesting habitat. The city adopted sea turtle protection regulations initially from Lee County in 2001 and amended them in 2006. Since then, there have been several changes in lighting technology and research on protection of endangered sea turtles. Many of these changes have been incorporated into the revised Model Ordinance, and staff recommend the city’s regulations be updated for general consistency with the Model Ordinance and adjacent municipalities.
The Local Planning Agency found the amendment consistent with the Comprehensive Plan at their June 8, 2023, meeting. Staff have made a few changes since the First Reading based on feedback from public comments.