Update from Stantec on the City’s Wayfinding Signage and Gateway Feature Master Plan
On February 2, 2022, Council approved a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Inc. to design a Wayfinding Signage and Gateway Feature Master Plan for the City. Similar to the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, this master plan will create a road map for future capital improvement project recommendations.
Stantec has reviewed the City’s branding, messaging, and current signage framework and has conducted reconnaissance field work throughout the City to map the current signage inventory, needs, applicable jurisdictions, and potential feature locations. The reconnaissance was gathered from field observations, Council briefings, and a public workshop.
At this stage of the project, Stantec will be presenting their findings as well as multiple signage “families” for Council’s consideration. A signage “family” is a hierarchy of signage, to include gateways and monument directories, pedestrian and vehicular wayfinding signage, public facilities markers, etc.
Additionally, per Council’s previous direction, Stantec will also present a beautification concept for the intersection of Bonita Beach Road and Imperial Parkway for Council’s consideration.