What We Do
This committee has several duties which include assisting the city by providing input regarding any and all veterans affairs, assists the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary in the administration of the Gold Star/Blue Star Mothers Program, acts as a resource agency for setting standards for the flying of our National Flag, and also assists the Bonita Springs Assistance Office through an outreach program for homeless vets.
Who We Serve
They also network with the VA and the Lee County Veteran’s Service Office regarding veteran’s affairs. In addition, the committee acts as a liaison to the city for three Veteran’s organizations in Bonita Springs; American Legion Posts #303 and #388, and Veterans of Foreign War Post #4254. The last several years, they’ve also co-sponsored, (with the three aforementioned veterans organizations and the City) “Star Spangled Bonita” on July 4th, and both the Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day ceremonies at Riverside Park.
The committee, by City Charter, is comprised of nine members comprised of one member from each of the following five veterans organizations: the VFW, the American Legion, the VFW Ladies Auxiliary, the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, and the Purple Heart Association (combat wounded veterans); along with four veterans at large. The committee typically meets the second Thursday of each month.
Current members include Bobby Hunter, Paul Canning, Adam Prentki, Ronald Winsett, Scott Cline, Bob Gillette, Scot Grissom, Jan Farrington, and Micheal Knaebel.